The European Commission’s Support For The Production Of This Publication Does Not Constitute An Endorsement Of The Contents, Which Reflects The Views Only Of The Authors, And The Commission Cannot Be Held Responsible For Any Use Which May Be Made Of The Information Contained Therein. Project Number: 2023-1-PT01-KA220-SCH-000166178

The Partners

DLEARN – European Digital Learning Network (Italy) 

The European Digital Learning Network – DLEARN aims to embrace the challenges brought by the digital revolution in terms of digital skills mismatch, toward an inclusive digital society. The 47% of Europeans is not properly digitally skilled yet in the near future, 90% of jobs will require some level of digital skills and numerous opportunities in terms of jobs that are going to shape the labour market. Our aims are characterized by 4 key words: share, connect, multiply, enhance. 

DLEARN is a collector of practices and ideas, gathering diverse organizations in Europe to reflect, think and trigger new initiatives, toward the valorisation and the enhancement of digital learning.

Contact person: Marco Milano
Contact email:



The Ensinus Group is one of the largest private educational groups in Portugal. It works daily to raise and improve educational and professional qualification levels, from childhood to adulthood, from pre-school to higher education. With 50 years of experience, it encompasses 13 educational institutions and as a group of educational institutions it plays a pioneering role in the Autonomy & Flexibility Process. It integrates regular and recurrent secondary education schools, Vocational Education Schools and Basic and Higher Education institutions.

Contact person: Inês Rodrigues
Contact email:


Fundació Tr@ms (Spain) 

Fundació Privada Tr@ms is a non-profit organization recognized as an educational body that proposes a collaborative project. It groups schools that set out to make innovation an element of each school’s identity. Its community groups together more than 2,000 teachers and 20,000 students. The 25 schools are located all over Catalonia and Balearic Islands, Spain. Levels of excellence have been achieved in the implementation of innovative procedures in classrooms as a result of the joint endeavors of schools.

The Foundation cooperates with educational institutions, universities, and companies from the technology sector to achieve a global reach for innovation. Some of the pillars to enhance cooperation amongst schools are Collaborative departments of teachers, 

The Share to Learn project aims to reference innovative practices and Intercenter projects that organize the joint participation of students from different schools. There is an international department, to boost innovation and learn from each other. 

The foundation offers innovative services to schools to help them transform and the “Segell Smart”, an innovation seal designed for schools. 

We accompany teachers and school leaders through training, educational events, and research groups.

Contact person: Raquel Fernández
Contact email:



HATEC SA (Human Asset) has been a pioneering force in learning innovation internationally, since 2003. We are a trusted technical & learning innovation advisor and technology partner for organizations, businesses, and universities.
The core services include:
• Innovative e-Learning Content Development: Crafting cutting-edge e-learning content with gamification and storytelling elements. We adhere to compatibility standards like SCORM, offering educational animations, infographics, and interactive elements created using tools like Articulate Storyline, Vyond 2D animations and Unity 3D.
• Instructional Design Excellence: Excelling in instructional design for various learning modes, including blended, asynchronous, synchronous, and face-to-face courses. Especially for e-learning we create interactive, gamified, and compelling e-learning content that engages learners with storytelling and active participation.
• Consulting Services: Conducting market research and providing expert advice and research-based insights in the field of e-learning, such as Artificial Intelligence, Educational AI Chatbots, Educational Metaverse VR/AR/XR, Gamification and Serious Games, Mobile learning, Microlearning, all grounded in educational neuroscience principles.
• Capacity Building Services: We deliver Educational and coaching programs and workshops for capacity building in the learning and development field, such as: Train the Trainers & Facilitators Program, Train the Blended Learning Trainers and Facilitators, Presentation skills, Facilitation and Public Speaking, Educational Technology Literacy for non-IT professionals, Coaching and Mentoring Services and Growth Mindset Culture and Neuroscience.

Contact person: Dimitris Tolis
Contact email: 


University of Turku – Turku Research Institute for Learning Analytics

Turku Research Institute for Learning Analytics is a research group focused on different learning technologies and digital learning solutions. The Centre is based in the University of Turku and its research is mainly concerned with learning analytics and its applications in digital learning platforms, communal learning, pedagogics of programming, and integrating psychometrics into learning technologies.

The Centre is also developing ViLLE, a digital learning platform that includes content for studying mathematics, programming, Finnish, and English. ViLLE is used widely in Finland with every third school having adopted it into their teaching in one way or another. We aim to advance the application of pedagogically sound and diverse learning technologies and analytics in Finland as well as internationally.

Contact person: Athanasios Christopoulos
Contact email:


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